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News / 2023

Pushing the limits of material properties for quantum technologies

The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung IKZ in Berlin commissioned a novel molecular beam epitaxy equipment (manufactured by Dr. Eberl MBE-Komponenten GmbH) for the growth of nuclear spin-free quantum materials based on silicon and germanium.

For more detailed information please see the IKZ news article at
Pushing the limits of material properties for quantum technologies
The special feature of this equipment is the utilization of solely isotopically enriched Si and Ge, avoiding any material with natural isotopes. This makes it the first and only nuclear spin-free MBE in the world.

Dr. Eberl MBE-Komponenten GmbH is proud to be part of IKZ's research by manufacturing the equipment.

Image by courtesy of LEIBNIZ-INSTITUT FÜR KRISTALLZÜCHTUNG im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V,

Newly commissioned molecular beam epitaxy equipment for the growth of ²⁸Si and ⁷⁶Ge heterostructures, together with the SiGe-based Quantum Materials group: Dr. Kevin Peter Gradwohl (left), Maximilian Oezkent, and Yujia Liu (right)